Text Message Scam Alert - Tamar Telecom

Text Message Scam Alert

Be aware – text message scam alert. Some mobile users have received text messages claiming to be from Ofcom. It asks consumers to click on a website address and then enter their personal details.

The text message claims to be from the “Ofcom Communications Team” and mobile phone number of the sender is six digits in length.

This is a scam. If you receive the text message then do not click on the website.

Reporting the scam
You can report the scam to Action Fraud by calling 0300 123 2040 or via the website www.actionfraud.police.uk

If you are concerned that you may have submitted your personal details then contact the Information Commissioners Office on 0303 123 1113
or via the website ico.org.uk

To contact the Ofcom Advisory Team call 0300 123 3333.

Ofcom has alerted the authorities for investigation.